Move repository from 3 drives to 2 larger drives


I currently have a Core (running  RR with the repository expanded across 3 drives. Those drives are approaching full capacity of 12 TB, so I purchased 2 x 10 TB drives to move the repository to.

From what I've read so far, the simplest solution is to stop the Core service, then copy the Repository folder on each drive to a new drive then label the new drives with the same drive letters as their corresponding old drive.

But I'm moving 3 drives that each has a Repository folder on it, to 2 drives. Is there a way to make this happen?



  • Are these internal drives to the server? It sounds like you are moving over a repository that was extended before, which does add a new complexity as if you copy over your current repo in the method you described the config will look for those separate locations. As Victor said, without the exact knowledge of the drive layout this is an assumption, however were these drives stand alone or did you RAID them? 

    Personally, depending on situation of course, I always found the easiest way to migrate a repo was to temporarily setup replication either to a VM or to a temporary machine that I threw RR on just to replicate the data over to it. Once it was sync'ed up, then on the source RR, stop the core service, delete the repo from the registry, fire up the service and 'open the existing repo' (if there are local disks you have to include the step of removing/adding the drives back yes). If you do use the replication method, make sure you either setup the same retention policy on both cores, or disable rollups during the data copy so the data is same. 

  • Hi Phuff,

    Yes they are all stand alone internal drives, no RAID, with the Repository expanded across the drives as the repo grew.

    Thank-you for the suggestion to migrate the repo. It makes perfect sense, but unfortunately I don't have another computer to replicate to. But one other thing I was wondering is if I could create archives of the protected computers, and then build a new repository and import the archived data?


  • That’s exactly what you do. Use a NAS or a USB drive, pause back ups, disable rollups and nightly log truncation, archive everything. When done stop the core service, delete the repo from the registry, remove/replace your drives, fire up the core, create your repo, import the archive. If it’s done in this order you will continue with your incremental chains, if a backup, rollup up, log truncation happens, you will more than likely get a new base image. Be sure to re-enable when complete. Just takes time, but it does work. 

  • That’s exactly what you do. Use a NAS or a USB drive, pause back ups, disable rollups and nightly log truncation, archive everything. When done stop the core service, delete the repo from the registry, remove/replace your drives, fire up the core, create your repo, import the archive. If it’s done in this order you will continue with your incremental chains, if a backup, rollup up, log truncation happens, you will more than likely get a new base image. Be sure to re-enable when complete. Just takes time, but it does work. 

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