Recovering two volumes to one VM

I'm trying to do a VM restore for a backed up server that I have and it is setup with two separate volumes that get backed up at two different times.  How do you go about recovering the second volume after you recover the first system volumes to a new VM?  Do you just run through the VM restore process again and select the same VM name as you did in the first step?

  • Hello JCHMura,

    That is actually a very good question. I can think of 2 approaches you can follow:
    1. Since this is a Virtual machine (VM) you can follow the export process as long as you have a Hyper-V or vSphere Hypervisors.
    - From the Rapid Recovery (RR) Core server, you can perform a one-time export to the hypervisor and only select the volume that was on a different schedule.
    - You can refer to the following KB for the export process:
    How to Perform a One-Time Virtual Export Using Rapid Recovery (4040402)

    - It is imperative that when performing the export, a different display name is chosen than previous restored virtual machine.
    - This new export will create a new virtual machine with the other volume that was not previously restored.
    - Then, this machine's virtual disk can be attached to the previously restores VM.

    2. You can also follow the Live Restore process. This only works for data volumes and agent-based protection is also required.
    - The newly restored machine needs to be protected by the RR Core server.
    - Then from the RR Core server, you need to select the Recovery Point that needs to be restored and select the Restore option
    - From the Restore Machine Wizard > Destination > You need to select the option "Recover to a protected machine" > Select the newly restored VM.
    - From here, you can point the volume that you want the restore go to.
    - For additional information, you can refer to the following KB:
    How to Perform a Rollback with Live Recovery of a Data Volume (4035425)

    Please let me know if you have any inquiries. You can also get in contact with support through the following link:

