I have a machine that is not creating alerts.

Currently I have a machine that is doing transfers, rolling up, and checking recovery points and they are all succeeding. The issue is that when I switch from Tasks to Alerts in the events tab Alerts are empty. It was previously creating alerts and I do daily checks and it randomly stopped doing them.

I looked into another part of the website that was about creating alerts and notifications and it looks like It is setup on this server and i went side by side with another server that we have doing these same tasks and they look identical. 

Is there something that I am missing or is there an area that I need to look into to resolve this issue?

Parents Reply
  • I am unable to send a screenshot as When I try it gives me an error and does not insert into this passage, But what I am trying to say is that Rapid Recovery when doing anything should create a log in the events tab under alert. It was working previously but it randomly stopped taking alerts.
