Change Shareplex json format choice

This is a very simple example :


Queue: p1

      parameters defining data formatting:


            decimal = .

            enotation = 14

            record = json

      parameters for kafka target:

         topic = test


            api.version.request = false

            broker = localhost:9092

            broker.version.fallback = 0.9.0

            compression.codec = none

            partition = 0

            request.required.acks = -1

            restart_timeout = 30

            threshold_size = 10000

      parameters for JSON formatting:


            before = no

            commit = no

            ddl = no

            eol = no

            indent = 0

            meta = yes

            schema = no



Jason message output :



I change the meta parameter but I have : {"data":{"ID":"200","REPLICA":"test","CONN":"falchetti5"}}

My question is there is a way to remove the yellow text so writing the transaction directly on target database ?

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