shareplex server spece for linux

Hi Team,

We are planning to configure shareplex for our oracle environment. Hence could you please share the required server specification & network information to do complete this task.



  • Hi, Achindra - optimal configuration for SharePlex will really depend on how you intend to use it; and things like transaction volumes and latency requirements.    SharePlex is typically sold with a Services engagement, and during that engagement, the services engineer will help you configure SharePlex for your environment.    Please work with your Quest Account manager to set up a call or WebEx for further discussion 


    Clay Jackson

    Quest Software Sales Engineer

  • Hi Clay,

    We are still in the testing (R&D) phase and currently analyzing pros & cons from our end. Therefore, we need to install/configure shareplex on our testing servers. Hence, please share server/network requirements, installation guide docs. Then we'll get back to you. And yes, we are trying to make it active/Active with less/no latency.

    DB version 11g (11.2)



  • OK -  your account manager and Sales Engineer should be able to get you the complete manual set.   Please send me ( your company name. location and email address and I'll see what I can do to assist.