Alarm for count of blocked processes

Is there a way to alarm on the count of blocked processes? I see alarms for deadlocks and time for a blocked process, but not one for count of blocked processes.



  • Hi, the Locks - Blocked Processes alarm is based on a session and the duration of it's block. I suggest to use Custom Counters and create a custom alarm to count the number of blocked processes.

    You can use a similar query in your Customer Counter rule:

    SELECT count(*)
    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
    WHERE blocking_session_id <> 0 and total_elapsed_time>120000;

    Use the {{VALUE}} variable in your alarm message to obtain the number of blocked sessions.

    See Custom Counter Video

    Hope that helps out.

    Spotlight Support.

  • Hi, the Locks - Blocked Processes alarm is based on a session and the duration of it's block. I suggest to use Custom Counters and create a custom alarm to count the number of blocked processes.

    You can use a similar query in your Customer Counter rule:

    SELECT count(*)
    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
    WHERE blocking_session_id <> 0 and total_elapsed_time>120000;

    Use the {{VALUE}} variable in your alarm message to obtain the number of blocked sessions.

    See Custom Counter Video

    Hope that helps out.

    Spotlight Support.
