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How to migrate a Profile designated with a Responsibility?

I simply need to Migrate a Profile that is designated at a Responsibility level.   I can archive and migrate the Responsibility.  However, the Profile settings for the given Responsibility cannot be archived - which means it cannot be migrated?   I check the Extended Objects - and apparently it is not available there either?  Am I looking at the wrong place?  If not - and STAT cannot handle this - any suggestions for an alternative solution?

  • We did likewise :) I always say to our dev team, if you can do it in FNDLOAD, then I can create an object to do it in Stat. I've always thought it would be good if Stat could treat FNDLOAD setup objects as file objects, since we could hack an LDT file to be uploaded.

  • We did likewise :) I always say to our dev team, if you can do it in FNDLOAD, then I can create an object to do it in Stat. I've always thought it would be good if Stat could treat FNDLOAD setup objects as file objects, since we could hack an LDT file to be uploaded.

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