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How to migrate a Profile designated with a Responsibility?

I simply need to Migrate a Profile that is designated at a Responsibility level.   I can archive and migrate the Responsibility.  However, the Profile settings for the given Responsibility cannot be archived - which means it cannot be migrated?   I check the Extended Objects - and apparently it is not available there either?  Am I looking at the wrong place?  If not - and STAT cannot handle this - any suggestions for an alternative solution?

  • Thank you ! Yes - I was developing a solution utilizing a kornshell script to execute the Download and by assigning a STAT custom file object of lct - we could archive and migrate the file. However, I then tripped across an Oracle API ( executed via SQL. We can simply execute via SQL and input the required values (Profile_name, profile_option_value, 'RESP', responsibility_id, application_id). Not necessarily fool-proof due to the ability to provide typos; however if you test by migrating to an environment before the production migration - you have an opportunity for corrections.
    Thank you for your responses !
  • Thank you ! Yes - I was developing a solution utilizing a kornshell script to execute the Download and by assigning a STAT custom file object of lct - we could archive and migrate the file. However, I then tripped across an Oracle API ( executed via SQL. We can simply execute via SQL and input the required values (Profile_name, profile_option_value, 'RESP', responsibility_id, application_id). Not necessarily fool-proof due to the ability to provide typos; however if you test by migrating to an environment before the production migration - you have an opportunity for corrections.
    Thank you for your responses !
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