UI Logging Level Options vs. Agent Logging Options

On the Stat Configuration page, you are presented with logging choices:

UI Logging Level :       [drop-down menu]

Agent Logging Level :  [drop-down menu]

I haven't found much about this in the Admin Guide, the Install Guide or the Upgrade Guide.  So I ask:

* Under what circumstance would I set the UI Logging level to DEBUG instead of using the Agent Logging Level?

* While I have used the Agent Log options, I have never used the UI Logging Level options.  Can someone share what they can be used for?

Thank you!

  • Hi David,  I used UI Logging Debug to get the query the Stat Client used for issues related to Data problems.   One that comes to mind was an object  showing unlocked on the Stat Mass Migration screen but not when viewing locked objects in the CSR.  Turns out the CSR contained the same object name but two different object_ids in the CSR. 

  • Hi David,  I used UI Logging Debug to get the query the Stat Client used for issues related to Data problems.   One that comes to mind was an object  showing unlocked on the Stat Mass Migration screen but not when viewing locked objects in the CSR.  Turns out the CSR contained the same object name but two different object_ids in the CSR. 

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