Unified Communications Command Suite Diagnostics broken by kb5001779

I am not sure how much this product is still in use by others, but we still use it.   kb5001779 - the April 2021 security update for Exchange on premises changes the way powershell scripts are called remotely - and this prevents many Exchange monitors on UCCS from running, basically rendering the product useless.  

According to the Microsoft exchange team blog thread on this  "we can now confirm that the change that broke several 3rd party products as well as some home-grown code calling .AddScript() is not going to be rolled back and .AddCommand() is a way forward. I have just added the Known Issues section to the blog post to reflect this (a KB article will follow next week)"

Released: April 2021 Exchange Server Security Updates - Microsoft Tech Community

This is most unfortunate.



  • Same here - we did hope this is fixed with 8.8 - however it seems it's still not! Common Quest, you're still lacking the product to be unable to collect data even 4 weeks after it broke? Are you asking your customers to uninstall a critical security update to be able to use it again or what's the point here. Not even a KB entry or comment here is kind of frustrating here as well

  • Hello Martin, 

    We confirm that after installing security update KB5001779 on Exchange servers, the Exchange Configuration collection and the Exchange Public Folders collection would fail with the error "The syntax is not supported by this runspace. This can occur if the runspace is in no-language mode". 

    Our dev team is still working on this as the mandatory security update releases on April 17th by Microsoft require a lot of change code. If you have a ticket open with support please provide us the ticket number so we can follow up with our R&D team the progress of the fix. 
  • Ticket Number is #4877105.

    UCCA is useless for us right now as Exchange Data collection is de facto not happening anymore.

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