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Error : 2319 - RETRY timedout operation timed out [at timeout_thread:470]

After upgrading to 7.6 from 7.5.1 backup work but replication fails at all time with all VMs.

Error : 2319 - RETRY timedout operation timed out [at timeout_thread:470]

What i noticed so far is the snapshot occured on the selected VM and his replicate but then LAN-FREE failed.

Any hint?


  • thats what they told me too but that doesnt work for me as i was already setup like that on one VA and the other one was at 16GB RAM with 4 CPUs.
  • Same issue here. Support was helping in getting this resolved by doing the following process.
    Stop all of the Dell vRanger services
    Go to your vRanger install path and make a copy of Vizioncore.vRanger.Service.exe.config
    Edit Vizioncore.vRanger.Service.exe.config
    Change the line <add key="InventoryLoadTimeout" value="420"/> to a value of 900
    Save changes (I had to save to my desktop, then copy back in to overwrite the file)
    Restart all of the vRanger services
    Relaunch the replication

    Hope this helps someone else.
  • I did that change very first thing when *** happened, but i put 840 instead of 900. But I told myself ok, why not 900...........same ***.......and no news from support as i asked for a workaround because its getting critical rep keeps telling me Veeam Veeam brother......well unfortunatly i just renew for another year but will probably be the last one.
  • I took this one a bit farther. I increased the value to 1200. Re-ran the replication job and still the same error. When are we going to get an answer to this issue? When is Quest going to realize that they are killing us out here and we're losing tons of money in lost manpower due to fighting with this. I'm going on two weeks and all my replications are toast!
  • Agreed, I come from a V**am background, inheriting vRanger, and it's so much better than this.
  • VPF, Do you happen to have an edited (remove IP's, server names) log you would care to post? Not sure how much help I can be, but I'd be willing to try and help you out.
  • my logs are already in support team hands, they say not much in there.
    Thanks for your help tho.
  • Ok guys, if you upgraded to 7.6 for upgrading VMware to 6.5 just don't upgrade VMware and you can roolback to a previous version of vRanger.
    Just hang up with support and i'm back on track with 7.5.1.
    If you did upgrade to VMware 6.5 prior to upgrade vRanger then you didn't do your homework and right now I dont know if support can help you.
    So if you have that error with VMware 6.0 or less and with vRanger 7.6, ask support, they can help you good.
  • I have the same issue
    Can I roll back to 7.5.1 and mantain 7.6 VA?
  • yes you can but there is a bunch of *** to do, get support help as it was not that easy with DB, took a few try to make it work good