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vRanger Replications failing with unknown error

After an upgrade to from 7.3x all of our replications are failing at the very end. They get to what seems like 100% and report an unknown error and fail. All vRanger appliances were also upgrade to 7.6.


[2017-06-01 15:39:00.509]: Replicating jrtp15 from to completed.
[2017-06-01 15:39:04.291]: Reverting snapshot for jrtp15_Replica completed.
[2017-06-01 15:39:05.619]: Reconfiguring virtual machine jrtp15_Replica completed.
[2017-06-01 15:39:35.885]: Removing snapshot for vRanger completed.
[2017-06-01 15:39:36.494]: Removing snapshot for vRanger completed.
[2017-06-01 15:39:41.525]: Loading virtual machine 'jrtp15_Replica' information completed.
[2017-06-01 15:39:41.603]: Updating CID mapping for VM jrtp15_Replica completed.
[2017-06-01 15:39:41.619]: Error: -1 - An unknown error has occurred.


Any ideas?

  • The solution so far is to remove the original replication target and start from scratch. Although it fixes it (so far), that is a problem if you are replicating over a small pipe to a remote data center. I am fortunate to be running over a 10 Gbs line.

    I have left 2 replicas in a failed stated in case Quest wants to do further research. Otherwise, delete to complete.
  • The solution so far is to remove the original replication target and start from scratch. Although it fixes it (so far), that is a problem if you are replicating over a small pipe to a remote data center. I am fortunate to be running over a 10 Gbs line.

    I have left 2 replicas in a failed stated in case Quest wants to do further research. Otherwise, delete to complete.
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