I'm running the latest vRanger backup and was working to get VSS snapshots through the "Configure VSS Tools" on an Exchange 2013 cluster, however I get a timeout message stating "Path '\\\c$' could not be found."
This seems to happen on any of my Exchange 2007 or 2013 clusters. Any thoughts?
I did verify that the Ex2007 servers have a 169.x.x.x address (assuming it was there for a reason), despite there's no vNIC for it.
I looked at the Ex2013 hosts, but they do not have a 169.x.x.x address.
I tried fooling vRanger by putting the host and correct iP address in the local hosts file, but that did not fix it.
Is there a way to tell vRanger to pull the host's ip addressed based on its DNS (A) record?