Decrypt button not updating the 'End User Processed Migration Message' column

Hello all,

unfortunatly there is no weekend support since BT is part of Quest. So I hope get some idea by asking my question here.

The problem we have is described 1:1 in KB B237571 with title 'NM: Decrypt button not updating the 'End User Processed Migration Message' column'.

We can see all messages sent by user in 'Migrator for Notes' database > Received Mail' but there is nothing by 'Respones' folder (2. Mail File Migration > Preperation > 3. Notfy End Users for Required Actions).

All steps described in 'Support ' > 'Technische Dokumentation' > 'Binary Tree Migrator for Notes 20.12' > 'Binary Tree Migrator for Notes 20.12 - Installation and Configuration Guide' > 'with title '4.2. Configuring Email Repliability'

'Binary Tree Migrator for Notes 20.12 - Installation and Configuration Guide

Now the question is, where we can find more details and why the 'InboundProcessing' agent does not process emails in the Mail-In DB sent by 'Decrypt button'?

Best Regards


  • Hi Soheil,

    Thank you for reaching out. I understand the issue with the Decrypt button not updating the 'End User Processed Migration Message' column. Since there's no weekend support due to BT being part of Quest, I recommend referring to KB B237571 for troubleshooting steps. Ensure you've followed all the steps in the 'Binary Tree Migrator for Notes 20.12 - Installation and Configuration Guide', particularly regarding configuring email reliability. If the issue persists, you may need to investigate why the 'InboundProcessing' agent isn't processing emails in the Mail-In DB sent by the Decrypt button. Read more

    Best regards, Sekandari

  • Hi Soheil,

    Thank you for reaching out. I understand the issue with the Decrypt button not updating the 'End User Processed Migration Message' column. Since there's no weekend support due to BT being part of Quest, I recommend referring to KB B237571 for troubleshooting steps. Ensure you've followed all the steps in the 'Binary Tree Migrator for Notes 20.12 - Installation and Configuration Guide', particularly regarding configuring email reliability. If the issue persists, you may need to investigate why the 'InboundProcessing' agent isn't processing emails in the Mail-In DB sent by the Decrypt button. Read more

    Best regards, Sekandari

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