• Monitoring an Apache Web Server running on Docker

    This video blog explains the process of building a docker image for an Apache Web Server so it can be monitored using server-info and server-status. We then show how to use Foglight Apache agent to monitor those Apache Web Server instances. 

  • Using JMX to monitor an Application Server running on Docker

    This video blog explains the process of building a docker image for an application server with JMX enabled. Since we can't map multiple running containers to the same port, we pass the JMX port as an environment variable so we  can set the JMX port…

  • Alternative Approach to Integrating Foglight Alerts with Third Party Systems


    This is one of those special Enterprise Monitoring use cases that I mentioned in my last blog post; The Not So Obvious Enterprise System Monitoring Essentials.  While this is not the only way to do Foglight alert integration, it is what we felt…

  • Get ready for Halloween!

    One of the nicest features in Foglight is the flexibility in creating beautiful drag and drop dashboards, here is a short video blog showing how you can create a fun and functional dashboard for Halloween. 

  • Alerting on Docker counters from Foglight

    In a previous blog we showed how easy it is to send Docker Counters to Foglight, the next natural step is to alert when something goes wrong. 

    A reminder our script was called DockerMonitor.sh and the lines sending data to Foglight were 

    echo "TABLE DockerData…

  • A quick and easy way to send counters from a Docker host to Foglight

    Scripts agents are an easy way to add to Foglight out of the box monitoring capabilities and can be easily used to send counters from a Docker host to Foglight: 

    Step 1 -  Find the commands that get the data.

                 The internet is full of examples for using…

  • Performing a HealthCheck for a Website running on Docker

    This video blog shows how we use Foglight Web-Monitor to preform a HealthCheck on a Website running on Docker.

  • Monitoring an Application Server running on Docker

    This video blog explains the process of building a docker image for an application server with instrumentation. 

    The result is an instrumented image that creates a Docker container running a Tomcat Application Server that automatically reports performance…