In an earlier blog, I wrote about a company’s success with Quest’s flagship SQL Server monitoring and diagnostics solution – Spotlight Enterprise. The blog detailed a customer success story and revealed detailed use cases explaining how this application delivery company realized value from the solution. Recently, the Director of Database Services accepted employment at a different company in a similar role. The Quest Account Manager maintains a strong relationship with him and two have regular communications. During one of their recent conversations, the customer shared his news about the job change. He went on to request they get the ball rolling with another investment in Spotlight Enterprise. The Director pointed out a few key Spotlight capabilities that he was confident would translate equally well in his new environment.
He said that he and Management alike need a quick and easy Enterprise View of their mission critical systems. Spotlight’s Heat Map provides that:
The Heat Map helps users quickly prioritize which connections need attention saving precious response time.
The Director explained that they regularly need to access earlier time frames to better understand performance issues that occurred. The Playback feature will allow them to do that:
Navigating by either an alarm list or by a vertical time bar, users can easily choose a point in time to diagnose problems and not be otherwise stuck because the problem already happened.
He also pointed out the need to get his performance monitoring and diagnostics information no matter where he is. That’s why he likes Spotlight Mobile app:
Remotely, users can get a quick glance into the health of the environment with an intuitive, easily readable interface complete with drilldowns for important details. There’s no need to wait to be at one’s workstation.
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