• Database development and management while working from home [IT and Covid-19]

    Just when you thought your database development was running on all cylinders, **BAM** the pandemic hit, and now your database developers are practicing social distancing and working from home (WFH).

    As shelter-in-place orders have spread across entire…

  • Toad Turnpike: Real Stories from the Road

    Off-roading, Maps, and Nine Gray Hairs

    We all tend to spend most of our time on the “turnpike” of a product’s feature set: you know, the “power” set of its features that get us to many of our endpoint destinations within the product as productively as…

  • Toad for Oracle's Multifunctional and powerful connection window

    We do it every day.
    Person to person – and on a network level, database client to database platform.

    Toad for Oracle’s legacy has always been about increasing performance, configuration, and internal self-help in solving technical…

  • Toad Turnpike: Real Stories from the Road

    Friends in High Places

    I’m starting a blog series about our Toad solution family, and how it’s changed lives for almost 20 years now.  Sometimes a vendor’s product does something extraordinary for its customers.  The stories you read…

  • Accurately Predict the Lifetime of your Database Hardware

    I’m sure as DBAs we’ve all been there; your IT manager comes to you saying the warranty is expiring on the production database server and asks “do we extend or replace the server”? Both choices lead to further questions. If you decide to extend the warranty…