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Change Auditor Coordinator 6.9 and Agent 6.8 issues?

If I upgrade Change Auditor Coordinators to 6.9, is it a requirement to upgrade the Change Auditor Agents on the domain controllers or can those stay at 6.8 for the time being?  Is it known if this would break anything?

  • Hi Jim, David,
    CA agent should only need .Net Framework 4.5.2. Only Coordinator or Clients need 4.6.1.
    Can you please answer the following questions:
    What OS versions do you have on the servers where you installing the agent?
    What events are you not getting? (AD, File System or something else?)

  • Hi Jim, David,
    CA agent should only need .Net Framework 4.5.2. Only Coordinator or Clients need 4.6.1.
    Can you please answer the following questions:
    What OS versions do you have on the servers where you installing the agent?
    What events are you not getting? (AD, File System or something else?)

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