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VMWarePerformance - Storage Cartridge must be loaded before enabling storage collection


I'm facing some difficulties in utilizing the Foglight to monitor my VMWare Environment.. When I try to enable the storage collection while I'm adding the vCenter server, I'm getting an error (Storage Cartridge Must be loaded before enabling storage collection)


In the Agent Status, it shows Fatal Error, but its collecting data. All Utilization graphs, spinners are not showing up.. 


Any help?



  • Hi Helpdesk.
    I was out of the office. I have found your case and I have asked Support if we can have a WebEx so I can help you upgrading the cartridge and make sure everything works as expected.
  • Hi Helpdesk.
    I was out of the office. I have found your case and I have asked Support if we can have a WebEx so I can help you upgrading the cartridge and make sure everything works as expected.
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