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SQL PI Performance tree

I was presented with a question I didn't have an answer to.  Hopefully this will get an answer and not go unanswered.  I think it's fairly basic but I'm still new to the product.


Does Foglight-SQL PI  record only the stored proc metrics or does it also record the t-sql code metrics inside the stored procedure as well?


Example.  Stored procedure "spGetData" has a select statement in it.  Does SQLPI gather metrics on both "spGetData" and the select statement it is running?




  • Yes, your understanding is correct. Expand the (+) next to the stored procedure name (eg. spGetData) and you will have another set of dimensions to pick. The SQL Statements one will show the executions of the statement(s) within that stored procedure.
  • Yes, your understanding is correct. Expand the (+) next to the stored procedure name (eg. spGetData) and you will have another set of dimensions to pick. The SQL Statements one will show the executions of the statement(s) within that stored procedure.
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