Resource Consumption in a customized dashboard

I'm looking to try to create a customized dashboard to show, perhaps, 9 of our instances and a corresponding "Resource Consumption" (from SQL PI) screen for each instance so we can seem them quickly at a glance.  The link below will explain what graph I'm trying to implement:

I've been at this for several hours and can't figure out how to get this accomplished.  Could someone give me an idea of how to take care of this?  Or is there another way to accomplish what I'm am trying to do?


  • Funny you should ask this, I was poking around on this for another customer and had started to put a view into the Database Expansion Pack that should help greatly.  Give me a few hours and I will send you an updated cartridge to test.

  • Jason,  Thanks for getting back to me.  I look forward to seeing what  you come up with.

    By any chance will  you be able to include some directions\instructions on how you will be building this so I can learn how to do it and train my other DBA's?  You know, "Teach a man to fish..." and all that.  Slight smile

    Thanks again.  I'll check back on this tomorrow.


  • Jason,  Thanks for getting back to me.  I look forward to seeing what  you come up with.

    By any chance will  you be able to include some directions\instructions on how you will be building this so I can learn how to do it and train my other DBA's?  You know, "Teach a man to fish..." and all that.  Slight smile

    Thanks again.  I'll check back on this tomorrow.


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