• Foglight for sql server ports

    Hello all,

    I want to monitor with Foglight SQL Server with PI.

    Which port i should open from the FGLAM server to my SQL Server?
    I want to monitor the SQL Server and also the OS (Windows server 2012)

    Can you please advise?


    Many thanks! 

  • Can't get SQL PI enabled on a new instance of Foglight

    I'm getting our 5th instance of Foglight set up and SQL PI is proving to be difficult to get running.  I'm going into detail to hopefully answer questions ahead of time.

    My set up: (the specs here are the same on my previous 4 Foglight instances…

  • SQL PI Performance tree

    I was presented with a question I didn't have an answer to.  Hopefully this will get an answer and not go unanswered.  I think it's fairly basic but I'm still new to the product.


    Does Foglight-SQL PI  record only the stored proc metrics or does…

  • Foglight for SQL Server with PI What ports should be open?

    Hello All,

    I am preparing new environment for Foglight for SQL Server with PI:

    1 VM for the FMS

    1 VM for FGLAM + PI repository

    1 VM for the Foglight Repository (SQL Server)


    I didn't find any documnt that explain what port should i open from each vm to…