• Foglight for sql server ports

    Hello all,

    I want to monitor with Foglight SQL Server with PI.

    Which port i should open from the FGLAM server to my SQL Server?
    I want to monitor the SQL Server and also the OS (Windows server 2012)

    Can you please advise?


    Many thanks! 

  • Common Dashboard Framework for Custom Script Agents and Utility OS Agents: Apache, NetMonitor, SNMP, WebMonitor

    Quest Solution Architect Brian Wheeldon announces a custon dashboard framework to help you speed up your custom agent development.


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  • Alarms Analysis Dashboard

    Hi all, The Foglight consulting team have been working hard on this cartridge, and we are pleased to release the latest version of the Alarms Analysis Cartridge. Thanks to Bart van Knijff and Thomas Bryant for their work on this version!

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