Archived Emails not available - Reference ticket 02111899


In reference of ticket 02111899, there's still one user that cannot access archived emails



  • Antonio... you let the case expire on May 22 - you can reply to the last email from Support to reopen it. Remember to add as much information as possible, including logs, etc.

    Also, the forum users don't have access to the support tickets, so they can't help just from a ticket number. If you need help from the forum, you need to be more explicit in what you need, how you ask, etc.

  • Antonio... you let the case expire on May 22 - you can reply to the last email from Support to reopen it. Remember to add as much information as possible, including logs, etc.

    Also, the forum users don't have access to the support tickets, so they can't help just from a ticket number. If you need help from the forum, you need to be more explicit in what you need, how you ask, etc.

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