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We are doing migration from SP2010 to SharePoint Online. All working well except one library is not keeping the modified and created date. It gets changed to the new date when migration happed. Any advise?

We are doing migration from SP2010 to SharePoint Online. All working well except one library is not keeping the modified and created date. It gets changed to the new date when migration happed. Any advise?
  • Hi Eliza,


    While trying the above steps the list is getting copied but the items in it did not copy.

    After checking logs, I found the error:

    Exception: UploadManagerAzureStorageConnectionString has not been defined. Please ensure this contains a valid storage account key in EnvironmentSettings.xml or Configuration Database


    I tried looking for file EnvironmentSettings.XML but could not find it. Please advise.

  • Hi Eliza,


    While trying the above steps the list is getting copied but the items in it did not copy.

    After checking logs, I found the error:

    Exception: UploadManagerAzureStorageConnectionString has not been defined. Please ensure this contains a valid storage account key in EnvironmentSettings.xml or Configuration Database


    I tried looking for file EnvironmentSettings.XML but could not find it. Please advise.

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