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We have an issue where our CP online site permission reports are coming back blank with no info - reports/xmls attached. Thank you for you assistance

We have an issue where our CP online site permission reports are coming back blank with no info - reports/xmls attached. Thank you for you assistance
  • Hi Cyrus, We have a case that may be still open #00149219. If it has been closed, we would like it reopened. We had a situation where we were told that CP on-prem and online had to be on separate servers and to rerun the license manager for each instance. Now, even doing so, CP online reports are coming back blank. Also, since this is CP online, cached reports are not an option (greyed out). I have attached an email I sent to Paul for #001149219 with contains the xcAdmin.log for CP online which shows errors coming from CP on-prem(:1818) which again, is on a separate server. We appreciate your assistance with this issue. Thank you, Eric Robinson O&M Sharepoint
  • Hi Cyrus, We have a case that may be still open #00149219. If it has been closed, we would like it reopened. We had a situation where we were told that CP on-prem and online had to be on separate servers and to rerun the license manager for each instance. Now, even doing so, CP online reports are coming back blank. Also, since this is CP online, cached reports are not an option (greyed out). I have attached an email I sent to Paul for #001149219 with contains the xcAdmin.log for CP online which shows errors coming from CP on-prem(:1818) which again, is on a separate server. We appreciate your assistance with this issue. Thank you, Eric Robinson O&M Sharepoint
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