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Change SQL server

We have moved the db to a different SQL server. How can I reconfigure DM to point to the new server? Thanks.

  • Hi Scott,


    Please refer to Moving your Repository to a Different SQL Server Instance on page 163 of the Diagnostic Manager User Guide for instructions.





  • Thanks, that was helpful. However, I'm getting an error: The Collection Service unable to connect to the SQL Server instance hosting the Metalogix Diagnostic Manager Reporsitory. A connection to this Collection Service can not be established at this time.

    Error: The Metalogix Diagnostic Manager Collection Service was unable to initialize the database during service startup:

    The operation cannot be performed on database "Metalogix_DMRepository" because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability gropu.

    ALTER DATABASE statement failed.


    I tried using both a single server name as well as the AG alias. Any leads? Thanks.

  • Hi Scott,


    Can you please update the CollectionService.exe.config file with the setting below, then restart the Collection Service?


    <setting name="EnforceRecoveryModel" serializeAs="String"> 




    Let me know if the issue persists.



