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Confilct error I am trying to understand


I am trying to understand this error that I am having and I cannot seem to get an answer

This eaht I get from the html log

CN=Begin,OU=Groupes,OU=FCDQ,DC=campus,DC=desjardins,DC=com  group Error 0xa910007d. SID 0105000000000005150000007224B77C117346776611420EE9320000 has conflict(s) on target and will not be added to sIDHistory (source objectGUID: 1A59ED9F3AA87E4BAFECF0C62160000C, target objectGUID: 73518482C9393D408200791375DD3B12, conflict(s): CN=FCDQ_Begin,OU=Groupes,OU=FCDQ,OU=ObjetsRepliques,OU=Desjardins,DC=mvt,DC=desjardins,DC=com).

I am trying to merge the mentioned group:

1-Matching is by samaccountname

2-I am using an import file to match the group

3-I skip all attributes except for the members attribute

Why is it telling me I have a confilct ?

  • To migrate group membership using an import file, you will need to merge/migrate the user accounts and groups. 

    1. You will need to enable the matching rule on the domain pair for Account Name. 
    2. DON'T skip the SamAccountName attribute for the objectClass you are migrating in the migration session. 

  • To migrate group membership using an import file, you will need to merge/migrate the user accounts and groups. 

    1. You will need to enable the matching rule on the domain pair for Account Name. 
    2. DON'T skip the SamAccountName attribute for the objectClass you are migrating in the migration session. 
