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Netvault Plugin Died unexpectedly


I try to view log from netvault job definition, however, "plugin died unexpectedly " error occured..What happen actually and how to solve this issue?

  • Also, do you get this on any job you try to view, or is it only for a particular job?
    Which leads to the next question, which is for this job, is it run from a NetVault client?
    And what version of NetVault is running on this client? What version of NV is the NV Server, and what OS is the client.
  • Also, do you get this on any job you try to view, or is it only for a particular job?
    Which leads to the next question, which is for this job, is it run from a NetVault client?
    And what version of NetVault is running on this client? What version of NV is the NV Server, and what OS is the client.
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