• Cannot contact web site 'https://xxxxxx-admin.sharepoint.com/' or the web site does not support SharePoint Online credential when Service Account tries to Provisiong OneDrive


    We have seen the above error when a user does not have OneDrive provisioned. The Service account tries to do this during a migration task. The account has the appropiate permssions (SharePoint admin etc..). Servcie is able to login via browser.…

  • On Demand Migration - Pre-Migration Reporting - New Feature Spotlight

    Quest is excited to announce the release of a new feature, which has been requested by many parties, who have been using the On Demand Migration Platform previously. With the release of this feature, Quest is actively supporting its customers and partners…

  • Does ODM allow a recurring job scheduling?

    Looking to do incremental migrations for mailboxes and OneDrives every Friday for a few weeks. Or is there a powershell module for ODM that would allow this?

  • On Demand Migration for OneDrive - Setting Priorities for your OneDrive Migrations - New Feature Spotlight

    Quest is excited to announce the release of a new feature within On Demand Migration for OneDrive, which will provide migration operators the ability to prioritize migration jobs providing more control to queue jobs while more important ones start and…