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What hardware can i run QoreStor on?

I have run the demo mode of QoreStor and would like to know what type of hardware i can run my production installation on??

  • That will depend on the the amount of disk space you require in QoreStor. 

    Cloud optimized - 40Tb or less, 16Gb of RAM, 4 cores - 2000 IOPS sequential, 850 IOPS Random
    Standard - Greater than 40Tb up to 150Tb 24Gb of RAM, 8 cores 2000 IOPS sequential, 850 IOPS Random

  • That will depend on the the amount of disk space you require in QoreStor. 

    Cloud optimized - 40Tb or less, 16Gb of RAM, 4 cores - 2000 IOPS sequential, 850 IOPS Random
    Standard - Greater than 40Tb up to 150Tb 24Gb of RAM, 8 cores 2000 IOPS sequential, 850 IOPS Random

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