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VM's randomly experience connectivity errors.

Every so often I will get errors with backup transfers that end up being connectivity errors in Rapid Recovery. For example, I have a VM that performed backups no issues every hour today except at 2:00 when I received an error that said it couldn't complete a backup due to "The Virtual Machine 'machine name' paired to another core." The stack trace reveals this:

Server side:

System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The virtual machine 'OTTEIQDATACOL' paired to another Core at Replay.Core.Implementation.VSphere.EsxVirtualMachineClient.GetVirtualMachine(Boolean ignorePairing) at Replay.Core.Implementation.VSphere.EsxVirtualMachineAgentClient.GetCurrentMetadata(MetadataCredentials metadataCredentials) at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.AgentsMetadataHelper.GetAgentMetadataInternalClient(AgentDescriptor agentDescriptor, IAgentClient agentClient) at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.ProtectedAgent.b__9() at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.ProtectedAgent.AgentClientSend[TResult](Func`1 func) at Replay.Core.Implementation.VSphere.EsxVirtualMachineAgent.GetMetadata() at Replay.Core.Implementation.Metadata.Cache.MetadataCacheService.UpdateAgentMetadataCacheEntry(IAgent agent, Boolean isForced, Boolean tryAgentServiceHostRestart)

UI side:

at Replay.Core.Implementation.VSphere.EsxVirtualMachineClient.GetVirtualMachine(Boolean ignorePairing)
at Replay.Core.Implementation.VSphere.EsxVirtualMachineAgentClient.GetCurrentMetadata(MetadataCredentials metadataCredentials)
at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.AgentsMetadataHelper.GetAgentMetadataInternalClient(AgentDescriptor agentDescriptor, IAgentClient agentClient)
at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.ProtectedAgent.b__9()
at Replay.Core.Implementation.Agents.ProtectedAgent.AgentClientSend[TResult](Func`1 func)
at Replay.Core.Implementation.VSphere.EsxVirtualMachineAgent.GetMetadata()
at Replay.Core.Implementation.Metadata.Cache.MetadataCacheService.UpdateAgentMetadataCacheEntry(IAgent agent, Boolean isForced, Boolean tryAgentServiceHostRestart)

We aren't performing any maintenance or doing anything with our VMware / Rapid Recovery infrastructure. Upon closer inspection of the VM in RR console, at the top it says "Some actions and metadata are unavailable because machine is unreachable."
I can connect to the VM using RDP just fine. Additionally in the RR console it says the disks are missing (which is also untrue).

What's causing these errors and how can I prevent them?

  • Do you have a virtual center in your environment? If so is it running on a VM, and are you using RR to backup that VM agent-lessly?

    Is your Rapid Recovery core running on a VM? Are you backing up the core via agent-less protection?

    Did you look inside vSphere to see if there was a corresponding error at that point in time?
  • Do you have a virtual center in your environment? If so is it running on a VM, and are you using RR to backup that VM agent-lessly?

    Is your Rapid Recovery core running on a VM? Are you backing up the core via agent-less protection?

    Did you look inside vSphere to see if there was a corresponding error at that point in time?
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