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Can you delete the import archive data

This may be a stupid question, but I'm always worried about deleting data.

I'm running Rapid Recovery 6.1.3.

I was able to import an archive and rolled up the data and everything is working normally.

Can I delete the Archive data now?  Does the import put that data into the current repository of the Core?

  • This is a good question.
    The data imported from your archive is in your repository.
    It will now follow retention policy via nightly jobs rollups, that is, it will be maintained to reflect the retention policy. In that sense, it will eventually become "different" than the data that is still in your archive - think dynamic vs static.
    You could keep your archive handy for historical reasons, or you could dispose of its data to reclaim the storage. The decision is yours.
  • This is a good question.
    The data imported from your archive is in your repository.
    It will now follow retention policy via nightly jobs rollups, that is, it will be maintained to reflect the retention policy. In that sense, it will eventually become "different" than the data that is still in your archive - think dynamic vs static.
    You could keep your archive handy for historical reasons, or you could dispose of its data to reclaim the storage. The decision is yours.
No Data