Getting an error when trying to do a one time export.

CORE VERSION: on a windows 2012R2. We are NOT agentless
I am trying to perform a onetime VM export to a virtual machine: vCenter/ESXi and the job has failed over 4 times. The first attempt was a linux machine. I tried an export from an incremental. that failed. I tried taking a base first then tried the Export, that failed. I tried going to a windows machine to export and that failed. All have the same errors.

Exception chain:
VDDK Handle is invalid. This can be due to VDDK API proxy restart.
Operation 'Open' with connection = '306938672816' path = '[PS01A-9001-none-0000-vol] P011DC01-FBAT03test/disk0.vmdk' openFlags = 'VIXDISKLIBFLAG_NONE' failed with VddkApiException: VDDK Handle is invalid. This can be due to VDDK API proxy restart.
Writing volume custom metadata operation has been failed.
Cannot execute an export task
One or more errors occurred.

Server side:
Replay.Core.Contracts.Export.ExportException: Cannot execute an export task ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.TimeoutException: Writing volume custom metadata operation has been failed. ---> Replay.Common.VddkApi.Contracts.Exceptions.VddkApiOpenFailedException: Operation 'Open' with connection = '306938672816' path = '[PS01A-9001-none-0000-vol] P011DC01-FBAT03test/disk0.vmdk' openFlags = 'VIXDISKLIBFLAG_NONE' failed with VddkApiException: VDDK Handle is invalid. This can be due to VDDK API proxy restart. ---> Replay.Common.VddkApi.Contracts.Exceptions.VddkApiException: VDDK Handle is invalid. This can be due to VDDK API proxy restart.
at Replay.Common.Implementation.Virtualization.VddkApi.VddkApiService.ValidateHandle(String handle, Boolean shouldThrow, Boolean shouldPing)
at Replay.Common.Implementation.Virtualization.VddkApi.VddkApiService.Open(OpenDiskParameters diskParameters)

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Replay.Common.Implementation.Virtualization.VddkApi.VddkApiProxy.Query[T](Func1 query, Boolean shouldRetry)
at Replay.Common.Implementation.Virtualization.VddkApi.VddkApiProxy.Open(IVddkConnection connection, String path, OpenFlags openFlags)
at Replay.Common.Implementation.Virtualization.Vmdk.VmdkVirtualDisk.OpenDisk(String path)
at Replay.Common.Implementation.Virtualization.Vmdk.VmdkVirtualDisk.MountBase()
at Replay.Common.Implementation.Virtualization.Vmdk.VmdkVirtualDisk.BeginBatch(VirtualDiskTarget target)
at Replay.Common.Implementation.Virtualization.VirtualMachineBuilderBase.WriteVolumeCustomMetadata(IVolumeMetadata volumeMetadata, String customMetadata)
at Replay.Common.Implementation.Virtualization.VirtualMachineBuilderBase.<>c__DisplayClass35_0.<SetVolumeCustomMetadata>b__1()
at Replay.Common.Implementation.Virtualization.Resilience.VddkApiDisconnectHandler.ExecuteWithRetryInternal(Action action, String actionName, Action1 virtualDisksReplacedCallback)

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Replay.Common.Implementation.Virtualization.Resilience.VddkApiDisconnectHandler.ExecuteWithRetryInternal(Action action, String actionName, Action1 virtualDisksReplacedCallback)
at Replay.Common.Implementation.VolumesAndDisksWorker.VolumesAndDisksWorker2.ForEachSourceVolume(Action`1 action, Boolean includeAll, Boolean throwIfException)
at Replay.Core.Implementation.Export.VirtualMachineExporterBase.RunWorker()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Replay.Core.Implementation.Export.ExportJob.ExportTask()

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Replay.Core.Implementation.Export.ExportJob.ExportTask()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

  • This situation can have several root causes, but the most common is due to resources at the backup server at time of the export action. You can mitigate with a registry adjustment, as seen below, and there has been a patch for previous versions to also mitigate, but it is common to see that the server is a bit "taxed" at the time (even if it doesn't seem so, or you don't see common tasks running). A graceful shutdown, and a server reboot always bring up resources at baseline level, and that's a good point to try your export again. You are welcome to adjust the registry as well (per the KB below), but in our experience, other than the common temporary resource situation, there can be other factors that add to resource availability situations that can be examined.

    Here's that KB article -

    If the above doesn't work for you, please reach out to our support team via a service request.

  • This situation can have several root causes, but the most common is due to resources at the backup server at time of the export action. You can mitigate with a registry adjustment, as seen below, and there has been a patch for previous versions to also mitigate, but it is common to see that the server is a bit "taxed" at the time (even if it doesn't seem so, or you don't see common tasks running). A graceful shutdown, and a server reboot always bring up resources at baseline level, and that's a good point to try your export again. You are welcome to adjust the registry as well (per the KB below), but in our experience, other than the common temporary resource situation, there can be other factors that add to resource availability situations that can be examined.

    Here's that KB article -

    If the above doesn't work for you, please reach out to our support team via a service request.

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