Error: The attachability check has failed, No log files were found for this database

Hey guys,

Im new to your Backupsoftware and i want to get rid of this error which pops up every night.

I'm not even sure if this error is critical or not.

Exception chain:

The attachability check for SQL database 'X1' of instance 'SQLEXPRESS' failed. No log files were found for this database

The attachability check for SQL database 'X2' of instance 'SQLEXPRESS' failed. No log files were found for this database

The attachability check for SQL database 'X3' of instance 'SQLEXPRESS' failed. No log files were found for this database

The attachability check for SQL database 'X4' of instance 'SQLEXPRESS' failed. No log files were found for this database

The attachability check has failed for the protected machine <Servername>

One or more SQL databases have failed the attachability check

One or more errors occurred.

In the logs of AppRecovery on the affected server i found this section:

WARN 2022-04-14T02:37:16 [29] - Replay.Common.Implementation.Sql.AttachabilityCheck.DatabaseAttachabilityCheckHelper ()
Can't add permission for NT Service\MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS to the C:\ProgramData\AppRecovery\MountPoints\XY

But the name in the log file on the affected client is not the same as in the error message shown above. So i assume this has nothing to do with error message above.

Can you help me with this?

Best regards


  • Yes it tells me "no access to database". I already checked the server in the current state and this paths don't exist (anymore). Could that cause the error?

    Unfortunately copy and paste does not work for me. And with Insert Image, it asks me for an URL if I paste the local path of the pictures it says, "this URL is no allowed to be inserted"

    Best regards


  • Yes it tells me "no access to database". I already checked the server in the current state and this paths don't exist (anymore). Could that cause the error?

    Unfortunately copy and paste does not work for me. And with Insert Image, it asks me for an URL if I paste the local path of the pictures it says, "this URL is no allowed to be inserted"

    Best regards


  • If the path does not exist anymore, it could be the metadata is not updating for the agent in the core and is still pointing to that database because of that. The best way to fix the metadata problem is to remove the machine from protection (keeping the recovery points) and re-adding it.

    If this is agentless protection you don't need to do anything else, however, if the server is protected via agent instead, removing and re adding the server from protection might trigger a base image, if this is a 6.5+ core and agent you can enable synthetic backup in the core settings to avoid the base image from triggering. 

  • Hello Victor

    I removed the machine and re-added it. Still the same "problem". Very strange..

    is there something else i can check to get rid of this "yellow dots" or "attachability errors"?

    Best regards


  • There must be something that we are missing, At this point is difficult to tell without a session so I recommend you to create a support ticket so one engineer can do a proper support session and pinpoint the culprit of the problem. 

    Sorry I was not able to help you on this one.