Export of a VM fails due to timeout.

Rapid Recovery Core

vCenter 7

ESXi Hosts are 6.5

I've attempted twice now to export a protected VM to a new vm back to vCenter and it's failing due to timeout. The progress bar never moves and 0 of x bytes are restored. There are no other error messages than the following vague ones:

A background job of type 'Export to virtual machine', summary 'Export of volumes [\\Hard disk 1] to ['newvmname' on vcenter target 'vcenter:443'] for 'originalvmname' (VMware ESXi export)', has failed.

 The export has failed

 Cannot perform an export task :

 * Timeout Exception: Writing to virtual disks operation has been failed.

The export of 'originalvmname' to 'newvmname' on vcenter target 'vcenter:443' has failed.

 The export has failed

 Cannot perform an export task :

 * Timeout Exception: Writing to virtual disks operation has been failed.

I thought it might be account permissions at first as I was using the dedicated RR backup account so for the second job, I used my account which has full access but that didn't work either. Frustated. 

Not to mention this forum said "Your posting frequency has exceeded allowed rates. Please wait 10 minutes to post again." and I haven't even posted a thing yet. Wonderful!