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SharePlex vs RMAN

Hello All,

I have been working on Oracle Golden Gate quote long time but I was asked to do some POC in Shareplex for upcoming migration. 

From yesterday I'm reading Shareplex 9 with lots of documents but found lots interesting. Specifically, The below links has lots of details.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to find what I'm looking.

1. Is RMAN fully integrated with Shareplex ? Let say, I have multiple terabyte database which I'm looking for application migration / and database migration from one version to another version. In this case, I would like have to start RMAN backup and start with SCN like Golden Gate . 

Is it possible in shareplex ? Or only option RMAN Image backup ? If RMAN image backup then it may require downtime in source database. Is that correct ?

2.  In Golden Gate, We have option to do one time data copy. I mean initial data sync using DATA PUMP.. I can use this feature for smaller database. Is it possible from Shareplex ?

Thank you.  Babu




  • Tom,

    To continue above. Few more clarification require.

    1. As per document. Its says you can using sequence # or SCN based recovery. Which mean.

    If I recover the database using sequence#.  Let say, I recovered the database till 1234. Which mean do I need to reconcile queue starting 1234 sequence Or sequence_number should be 1235?

    sp_ctrl> reconcile queue queuename for datasource-datadest seq sequence_number

    Example: reconcile queue SysA for o.oraA-o.oraA seq 1234

    l If recovering to a SCN, substitute the SCN that you noted previously.

    For SCN based recovery, I see you already informed SCN+1. I would  like to test and come back.

    sp_ctrl> reconcile queue queuename for datasource-datadest scn scn_number

    Example: reconcile queue SysA for o.oraA-o.oraA scn 0123456789

    NOTE: The command retains control of sp_ctrl until the reconcile process is finished.

    2.  The below notes tells me, Shareplex require source and target column should match ? I mean if I have few columns in source and target has 10 columns then I can't replicate ?

    I have few critical customer looking for application upgrade using Shareplex.  Which mean source database has non-partition table with 10 columns but target database has partition tables with 10 columns.  

    But your document says "Delete the unneeded columns and rows from those tables" Which mean can't map columns if I have different or new columns in target ?

    [Partitioned replication only] If you are using vertically partitioned or horizontally partitioned replication

    for any tables, delete the unneeded columns and rows from those tables.


  • Tom,

    To continue above. Few more clarification require.

    1. As per document. Its says you can using sequence # or SCN based recovery. Which mean.

    If I recover the database using sequence#.  Let say, I recovered the database till 1234. Which mean do I need to reconcile queue starting 1234 sequence Or sequence_number should be 1235?

    sp_ctrl> reconcile queue queuename for datasource-datadest seq sequence_number

    Example: reconcile queue SysA for o.oraA-o.oraA seq 1234

    l If recovering to a SCN, substitute the SCN that you noted previously.

    For SCN based recovery, I see you already informed SCN+1. I would  like to test and come back.

    sp_ctrl> reconcile queue queuename for datasource-datadest scn scn_number

    Example: reconcile queue SysA for o.oraA-o.oraA scn 0123456789

    NOTE: The command retains control of sp_ctrl until the reconcile process is finished.

    2.  The below notes tells me, Shareplex require source and target column should match ? I mean if I have few columns in source and target has 10 columns then I can't replicate ?

    I have few critical customer looking for application upgrade using Shareplex.  Which mean source database has non-partition table with 10 columns but target database has partition tables with 10 columns.  

    But your document says "Delete the unneeded columns and rows from those tables" Which mean can't map columns if I have different or new columns in target ?

    [Partitioned replication only] If you are using vertically partitioned or horizontally partitioned replication

    for any tables, delete the unneeded columns and rows from those tables.


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