I have been tasked with exploring how to integrate Spotlight with ServiceNow. I would appreciate any guidance.
I have been tasked with exploring how to integrate Spotlight with ServiceNow. I would appreciate any guidance.
Hi Paul,
The Spotlight integration with ServiceNow implementation is currently under consideration and is scheduled for the future release. In the meantime, you can use emails to direct Spotlight alerts to ServiceNow. I've attached a document that outlines the steps for you.
Hope that helps out.
Spotlight Support
Spotlight Integreation with ServiceNow.docx
Thanks Gita for the reply. Since you can run PowerShell from Spotlight and since there is a PowerShell module for ServiceNow, I was going to also explore how that may work.
Yep, another option would be usage of PowerShell scripts.
ServiceNow Integration with webhook possible now?
Thanks for reply!!
I think i need to rephrase my question.
We want the spotlight alarm should create an incident in ServiceNow, but currently only email action supported as mentioned above in this thread.
Wanted to check if the direct integration is supported with webhooks or any other methods.