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ESXi 6.7 Compatibility for vRanger

Hey Quest!


How soon (or not) should we expect ESXi 6.7 compatibility with vRanger?   Do you guys have an ETA on when to expect a formal announcement? 



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  • Hi gmchale,

    vRanger 7.6.6 went RTM today which means it was released to support for some additional testing. As long as we do not uncover any issues it will go GA and be available for download on September 10th.  

  • Hi rpowell,

    Thanks for the update, I'm glad to hear the updated release date is only a couple of weeks out.

    If you'd be interested in a early adopter\customer tester let me know - I upgraded my vranger to new hardware a couple of months ago, but still have my old hw with  vranger 7.6.4 around and could upgrade that old instance (which had data) and backup my 6.7 test lab and some 6.0 if needed, and could even upgrade my dr vsphere env to 6.7 and load a bunch of test vms on it to test backup and restore. If you're interested reach out to me at my username at
