• When I try to log in to ArchiveWeb all I get is Login failed. Invalid credentials. I know the credentials are correct and I have tried my own as well as the administrator account the Archive Manager runs under.

    When I try to log in to ArchiveWeb all I get is Login failed. Invalid credentials. I know the credentials are correct and I have tried my own as well as the administrator account the Archive Manager runs under.
  • Need documentation on migrating from version 5.1.35 to current

    Need documentation on migrating from version 5.1.35 to current
  • Is there a way to archive/delete emails from specific email address on the global level?

    Is there a way to archive/delete emails from specific email address on the global level? For example. We would like to make sure scanned documents from copiers that are coming from copier@companyemailaddress.com can be removed from user's mailbox after…

  • How to Re-inflate a Batch of Mailboxes to their respective accounts?

    ​Looking for a option to Re-inflate Multiple Mailboxes and also possible Purge based on a 7 yr retention Policy.

    Please advise

  • moved folder

    moved folder
  • Can you scan the archive for a missing email? or a specific email?

    Is there a way to scan through the entire archive (or a specific users archive) to search for a specifically missing email?

  • Can you re-scan mailboxes to archive missing dates?

    Our Archiver doesn't appear to have been running due to one of the necessary services not being able to start for a few days consecutively. Is there a way to scan mailboxes for the missing dates? (Can we still archive the dates that are missing within…

  • Need documentation on where and how to find the number of items in the current externalization queue, similar to working on x of xx.

    Our company has determine it needs to let users upload files in bulk (hundreds of GB of documents from a legacy system).  I need to determine current impact of the externalization, showing the growth of the SAN caused by this action.

  • How can I delete a storagepoint record for an endpoint that no longer exists?

     I'm trying to do a recall and unused blob cleanup and get the following errors:

    Cannot find specified EndPointId: (Source: Profile.ProviderRetrieveBinary)


    Recall Item Failed For Doc Version in SiteId = with ItemId = UIVersion: 512. Error was: Cannot…

  • We have to Update the Archive Manager from Version 7.4 to the most recent Version. Is there any Upgrade Guide to follow?

    We have to Update the Archive Manager from Version 7.4 to the most recent Version. Is there any Upgrade Guide to follow?
  • Need info about firewall ports

    Is there a list somewhere about which firewall ports are needed between Exchange and the Archive Manager? And which ports between the Outlook clients and Archive Manager? The official documentation actually suggests making sure that the (Windows) firewall…

  • When I try to increase the number of Archiver threads it resets back to 1. I need to increase the number to get through a large number of emails backlogged.
