• Agile Development: Advanced Code Review using Toad Code Analysis

    Are you looking for a simpler, more effective way to carry out code quality reviews of all your Oracle PL/SQL code that takes subjectivity out of the equation and gives you the foundation for an automated way to review your code as part of a DevOps process…

  • Agile Development: Creating a simple Oracle PL/SQL unit test using Toad

    Is your organization moving to agile development and DevOps and you now have to test your Oracle PL/SQL code and have no idea what to do? Your worries are over! With Toad for Oracle, creating some simple PL/SQL unit tests to get started is really easy…

  • Toad Turnpike: Real Stories from the Road

    Off-roading, Maps, and Nine Gray Hairs

    We all tend to spend most of our time on the “turnpike” of a product’s feature set: you know, the “power” set of its features that get us to many of our endpoint destinations within the product as productively as…

  • Toad for Oracle's Multifunctional and powerful connection window

    We do it every day.
    Person to person – and on a network level, database client to database platform.

    Toad for Oracle’s legacy has always been about increasing performance, configuration, and internal self-help in solving technical…

  • Copy User Settings in Toad for Oracle

    I get this question at least once a month and it has to do with transferring Toad for Oracle user settings from one version to an updated version. When you install a new version of the Toad for Oracle 2016 Suite, the installer does a side-by-side installation…

  • Toad Turnpike: Real Stories from the Road

    Friends in High Places

    I’m starting a blog series about our Toad solution family, and how it’s changed lives for almost 20 years now.  Sometimes a vendor’s product does something extraordinary for its customers.  The stories you read…

  • Bridging the (SQL) gap with Toad’s Query Builder

    Toad for Oracle’s Query Builder window provides a quick method for creating the framework of a SQL queries (Select, Insert, Update, or Delete statement). Additionally, one can select Tables, Views, or Synonyms, join columns, select columns, and generate…

  • Same Toad, Cooler Pond. Toad Makes the Leap from Quest


    New homes generally rock – and Toad’s new lily pad at Dell is no exception. We’re not saying Quest.com wasn’t great, but Toad is moving up in the world and has a new address at Quest.com.

    But as soon as Toad’s all moved in, there…

  • Accurately Predict the Lifetime of your Database Hardware

    I’m sure as DBAs we’ve all been there; your IT manager comes to you saying the warranty is expiring on the production database server and asks “do we extend or replace the server”? Both choices lead to further questions. If you decide to extend the warranty…

  • Dude, I wish Toad would do this…Introducing the “Idea Pond”

    It has happened to all of us. We love an application like Toad. However, it would be so much more awesome if the app would do some idea that is currently not in the product. Allow me to introduce you to the Toad “Idea Pond.”

    The Idea Pond…

  • Support Portal API - Amplifying the community’s knowledge without ever having to leave Toad

    Starting with version 12.10, Toad for Oracle will bring the Knowledgebase dynamically into the product’s window. No more having to leave an application to search and find answers outside of the product.


    Got an error?

    No problem.

    Click on a button…

  • 5 Ways Database Developers can Keep Up with Agile by Automating

    We’ve posted recently about database developers feeling left out of agile processes. You may wonder how application developers can have it so easy – scrums, sprints and automation – to deploy updates at what can seem like an astonishing pace.…

  • Database Developers – Feeling Left Out of Agile?

    Database developers: Does it feel as though everyone else gets the productivity benefits and fun from agile development, but not you?

    In most organizations, agile is taking hold in application development, operations and even marketing. Meanwhile, database…

  • Hey DBA’s, Time to Embrace the Cloud!

    While it’s no secret that cloud technologies are rapidly changing the way that organizations are running their IT infrastructures, for many organizations that I speak with, databases (and data in general) seem to be the slowest to move.  There are…

  • Toad for Oracle’s “Copy User Settings” Feature

    A multi-functional tool to manage user settings and assist in troubleshooting.

    How many times have you fixed your Toad for Oracle’s settings the way you want it and would like to: 
    As Toad for Oracle users, we know that Toad for Oracle is all about…