• Why Migration Projects are like Moving House

    All migration projects are challenging whether it be email, AD, file server data and SharePoint migrationsOffice 365 migration projects are no different.

    A Formula for Success:

    Something that I have learned over the last 10 years working on various…

  • Isn’t it time to expect more from IT management?

    It's Your Time

    It’s crazy - technology and business are moving faster than ever and you’re sprinting just to keep up. Meanwhile, your workday is wasted on tons of repetitive, day-to-day tasks. That’s why we hosted a Virtual Tradeshow.

    The bad news…

  • How to Become a Data Protection Hero

    You don’t have to be faster than a speeding bullet or more powerful than a locomotive to become a data protection hero. You simply need to address the when, where, why and how of protecting your organization’s applications and data against various threats…