Printer Deployment, Not following Logic

Good Morning All,

I have been working with deploying out printer within our org for the past week or so. I have created all the printers in desktop authority and they are assigned by Computer OU. I have one printer that will not follow the logic, It is set to only be pushed to computers in the /Administrators OU yet on a computer in our /XPS OU the printer keeps showing up. I have enabled the general setting where it disconnects all network printers before assigning new ones, per the request of quest support. But this will not remove printers that were pushed by DA. My question is is there a way to get rid of all network printers before DA assigns new ones. Please me know what info would be helpful in trying to solve this. I appreciate any help i can get, Thank you again.

  • To ensure that all network printers are removed before DA assigns new ones, you mentioned enabling the general setting to disconnect all network printers. However, this setting doesn't remove printers that were pushed by DA. You are seeking a solution to remove all network printers, including those pushed by DA, before the new assignments take place.

    To troubleshoot this issue, here are a few suggestions:

    1. Verify the OU configuration: Double-check the OU assignment for the problematic printer within DA. Ensure that it is set to be pushed only to computers in the /Administrators OU and not the /XPS OU.

    2. Check printer deployment rules: Review the printer deployment rules in DA to ensure that there are no conflicts or additional rules that might be causing the printer to be assigned incorrectly gaminguider. Make sure that the printer in question is not inadvertently included in a rule that applies to the /XPS OU.

    3. Confirm printer removal settings: Check the settings within DA related to printer removal. Ensure that the option to remove network printers is enabled and that it applies to all printers pushed by DA, regardless of their source.

    4. Test on a specific computer: Select a specific computer in the /XPS OU and test the printer deployment to see if the issue persists. Monitor the deployment process closely to identify any specific errors or inconsistencies.

    5. Review documentation and contact support: Consult the documentation or user guides for Desktop Authority to see if there are any specific instructions or recommendations for handling printer removal and deployment. If the issue persists, reach out to the support team for Desktop Authority for further assistance and guidance.

    Providing additional information about your printer deployment setup, any error messages encountered, or specific configurations within DA may help in providing a more targeted solution.

  • To ensure that all network printers are removed before DA assigns new ones, you mentioned enabling the general setting to disconnect all network printers. However, this setting doesn't remove printers that were pushed by DA. You are seeking a solution to remove all network printers, including those pushed by DA, before the new assignments take place.

    To troubleshoot this issue, here are a few suggestions:

    1. Verify the OU configuration: Double-check the OU assignment for the problematic printer within DA. Ensure that it is set to be pushed only to computers in the /Administrators OU and not the /XPS OU.

    2. Check printer deployment rules: Review the printer deployment rules in DA to ensure that there are no conflicts or additional rules that might be causing the printer to be assigned incorrectly gaminguider. Make sure that the printer in question is not inadvertently included in a rule that applies to the /XPS OU.

    3. Confirm printer removal settings: Check the settings within DA related to printer removal. Ensure that the option to remove network printers is enabled and that it applies to all printers pushed by DA, regardless of their source.

    4. Test on a specific computer: Select a specific computer in the /XPS OU and test the printer deployment to see if the issue persists. Monitor the deployment process closely to identify any specific errors or inconsistencies.

    5. Review documentation and contact support: Consult the documentation or user guides for Desktop Authority to see if there are any specific instructions or recommendations for handling printer removal and deployment. If the issue persists, reach out to the support team for Desktop Authority for further assistance and guidance.

    Providing additional information about your printer deployment setup, any error messages encountered, or specific configurations within DA may help in providing a more targeted solution.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your post. Please review our knowledge article called How to remove All the local printers installed on a User Machine, link: you can try this option to remove all the local printers and change the arguments to wmic printer where "Local='FALSE'" delete to remove all remote printers. Normally KACE Desktop Authority will remove the printers pushed using KDA, but sometimes something is corrupted and the printers are not removed even when you try to do it manually. Please remember that KDA is a logon script and everything is done by the Operating System using the pertinent Microsoft API.