• How to create a report/dashboard with multiple databases and user defined collection data in Foglight

    I'm trying to create a report/dashboard with multiple databases that shows the user defined collection data. I created a User Defined Collection on each Database. Now I'd like to create a simple report/dashboard with these columns:

    Database Name…

  • Query API reference

    Where is the reference for the groovy query API? For example, I have a rule variable working as expected with this value:

    def host = server.TopologyService.getObject(@event.get("topologyObjectID"));
    return host.get("monitoredHost/name");…

  • Foglight Reporting using Metric Queries or Groovy

    Metric Queries

    Foglight has a built in metric query language for extracting data from Foglight models.
    Metric queries can be run in the Script Editor in Administration/Tooling.
    Metric queries can also be run from the command line using 'fglcmd'.…

  • Custom Script Agent 2: Build a WCF Dashboard to View the Custom Agent Data

    In the previous installment of this series, Quest Principal Solutions Architect Brian Wheeldon created a custom script agent to push data into Foglight and trigger an alert. In this continuation, he steps through the process of building a WCF dashboard…

  • Building a custom dashboard to summarize LogFilter alarms

    This is Brian Wheeldon, Quest Solution Architect and "Dashboard Don" with a simple tutorial about how to build a useful dashboard in just a few minutes using the Foglight WCF definition editor. If you're not interested in learning more about how to build…