• (Another) Foglight Countdown!

    ( * This blog has been updated from last year's.... )


    We have all done it. We think we know the lyrics to a song. We sing them passionately….and incorrectly. Here are a few classics.

    • “Excuse me while I kiss this guy”. Correct lyric: “Excuse…
  • Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (-David Bowie)

    The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change “- Heraclitus.

    Development, new applications, upgrades, patches, maintenance, schema updates…the list goes on and on around ways that changes are introduced into your environment. Sometimes these…

  • Toad and Foglight in harmony – The PL/SQL Profiler

    My favourite feature in Toad has always been the PL/SQL Profiler. I love the way it can profile your code executions is integrated with the editor. It is such an easy and visual feature to use.

    So if you have Foglight for Oracle Performance Investiga…

  • Step by step - Custom Views, Dashboards, and Reports for SQL PI

    Performance Investigator (PI) collects a lot of workload and performance data about the activity which runs within a database instance. This information is saved in the PI embedded repository which is separate from the Foglight repository. As a result…

  • Performance Analysis to Performance Investigator - Part 2: New and Enhanced Features

    In part one of Performance Analysis to Performance Investigator, I discussed the history of Performance Analysis and its transformation into Performance Investigator, as well as the architectural differences between the platforms.  In part two, we will…

  • Performance Analysis to Performance Investigator: Part 2 - New and Enhanced Features

    In part one of this blog series (here: https://www.quest.com/community/b/en/posts/performance-analysis-to-performance-investigator-part-1-introduction-and-architecture) I discussed the history of Performance Analysis and its transformation into Performance…

  • Performance Analysis to Performance Investigator: Part 2 - New and Enhanced Features

    In part one of this blog series, I discussed the history of Performance Analysis and its transformation into Performance Investigator, as well as the architectural differences between the platforms.  In part two, we will discuss the new and enhanced features…

  • Performance Analysis to Performance Investigator: Part 2 - New and Enhanced Features

    In part one of this blog series (here: https://www.quest.com/community/b/en/posts/performance-analysis-to-performance-investigator-part-1-introduction-and-architecture) I discussed the history of Performance Analysis and its transformation into Performance…

  • Performance Analysis to Performance Investigator: Part 2 - New and Enhanced Features

    In part one of this blog series (here: https://www.quest.com/community/b/en/posts/performance-analysis-to-performance-investigator-part-1-introduction-and-architecture/) I discussed the history of Performance Analysis and its transformation into Performance…