• Needed guidance on How to create a function to apply it to a Row-Oriented Table


    could somebody give me a hint on How to create a function to apply it to a Row-Oriented Table, so it takes as an input the values of the rows of one column and then the output is binded to equivalent rows in another column?

    I am unable to do this…

  • JellyBean Custom Dashboard with Hosts Health

    Hi all

    I'd like to suggest you the recipe for creating jellybean (or spinner) dashboard based on cartridge from Brian Wheeldon. In his post he provides cartridge with dasboard like the image below: 


    Unfortunately, I couldn't install those cartridge…

  • How do I integrate "Progress Tracker" in a "row-oriented table"?

    I have a row-oriented table that uses the WebSphereServer topology for the data.  There are columns for some of the metrics.  The table is pulling over 60 instances, and so it takes a while for the page to load.  The user would have to wait for the entire…

  • A New Foglight Service Status Widget - Text with Colored Background

    (Please visit the site to view this file)

    Hello Foglight Folks,

    Robert Statsinger here. Today I’d like to share a simple WCF component with you that provides another Foglight widget for showing the status of a Service. It’s a view called …

  • Building a custom dashboard to summarize LogFilter alarms

    This is Brian Wheeldon, Quest Solution Architect and "Dashboard Don" with a simple tutorial about how to build a useful dashboard in just a few minutes using the Foglight WCF definition editor. If you're not interested in learning more about how to build…

  • Customizing the out-of-the-box Host Status view

    A Foglight Community member recently posed this question in the Discussions forum :

    I am creating dashboards for a wide variety of end users. One of the requirements I have is to be able to provide a view similar to the

    "Host Status with Summary" from…

  • Host Status "jellybean" view

    A community member asked for a "jellybean" status indicator view to represent the status of a Host.

    When you click on the bubble, the view should drill down to the Host Monitor page.

    It turned out to be pretty simple to implement this view…