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Hello Foglight Folks,
Robert Statsinger here. Today I’d like to share a simple WCF component with you that provides another Foglight widget for showing the status of a Service. It’s a view called ServiceStatusLabel that you can use when dragging a Service from the Data tab of the Context Pane into a drag & drop dashboard. ServiceStatusLabel is simply a text label whose value is the name of the Service you apply it to plus the word ‘Status’, and whose background color changes to reflect the aggregate alarmstate of the Service. You can see where the view appears and how to use it below. We’ll drag MyService into our fixed position drag & drop dashboard:
Choose Select a view…..
ServiceStatusLabel will appear under the Operator role’s listing. The label will appear with the name of your Service followed by the word “Status”, and its background color will reflect the aggregate alarm severity of the Service:
You can then adjust the size and position of the view, and turn on or off its title. Here is the result:
Remember that you can also add other views to this dashboard, such as an Alarm History or views of key metrics from the components your Service is monitoring.
You'll find the cartridge that implements this widget as an attachment to this article.
Robert Statsinger