Jason here with the Quest Field Team. Ever need to have a direct link to replay a session in FxV or get right to a list of search results? This helpful template below will get you there! There is a great YouTube video showcasing this technology in action as well, hosted by our very own John Spirko.
(Please visit the site to view this video)
Time Parameters available for Transaction Searches only
tm = time range mode (tm=SPAN); valid values are {START, STOP, SPAN, SPAN_NOW}
dd = timestamp date (dd=03/13/07); used with tm=SPAN only
tt = timestamp time (tt=11:49); used with tm=SPAN only
in = in progress/transactions to search (in=TRUE); valid values are {TRUE, FALSE, ANY}
For transaction searches, you must specify values for both the tm and the in parameters. Also, note the following restrictions on the in parameter:
1. If tm=STOP then in must be set to FALSE
2. if tm=SPAN_NOW then in must be set to TRUE
Transaction searches provide two additional options for specifying search time (in addition to the two "common" ones specified above):
tm parameter set to SPAN_NOW (search transactions in progress; no other time parameters should be specified)
tm/dd/tt parameters, with tm set to SPAN (search transactions in progress at the specified time)
Transaction Search Parameters
tf = Transaction Filter name (required)
xs = Transaction Status; valid values are {OK, ERROR, WARNING}
th = total hits (*)
hh = HTML hits (*)
he = HTML errors (*)
hw = HTML warnings (*)
te = total errors (*)
tw = total warnings (*)
(*) - the values for these parameters use the same format as the custom field values described early. For example:
th=>=17 (at least 17 total hits)
he==0 (0 html errors)
Transaction Search Prefixes
ev = event condition
cf = custom field
mu = metric update
The format of the ev parameters depends on the allow multiples setting defined for the transaction event. For events that do no allow multiples, the format is as follows:
evEventName=OCCURRENCE_SELECTION (where the valid values are OCCURRED, DID_NOT_OCCUR, DONT_CARE)
for example:
For events that do allow multiples, the format is as follows:
for example:
evMyRecurringEvent=OCCURRED>=3 (MyRecurringEvent occurred at least 3 times)
evMyRecurringEvent=OCCURRED=1 (MyRecurringEvent occurred exactly once)
custom fields and metric updates work exactly like they do in Hit Search as described above.
That's all for today...good luck and good monitoring!