Quest Professional Services APM team just launched a new services offering aimed at providing a simpler, more flexible way for customers to get professional services assistance. Foglight Quickstart Services offering is a generic accelerated services bundle that has no restrictions on cartridges included and no restrictions on the size of the customer environment. For small to mid-size environments, you can use this offering to achieve most if not all of your objectives. For larger environments, you can use this packaged offering literally as a quickstart, to build an architectural blueprint for the implementation, to deploy Foglight for one or two critical applications in your environment, and to get some basic training. This will get you familiar and comfortable with our implementation methodology as well as with our Services team and it will pave the way for a great working relationship going forward.
The Foglight Quickstart Services offering includes 2 days of architecture, 2 weeks of onsite consulting, project management and participation in a 2-day training class of your choice. Please review the offering description available on
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