If you're looking for a simple, cost-effective way to manage, maintain and enhance your Foglight solution on a daily basis without hiring additional resources or assigning to existing personnel, Quest offers several options to suit your needs. Our Foglight Remote Administration Servicesprovide you with a dedicated Remote Foglight Administrator (RFA) whose primary focus is to remotely manage and maintain your Foglight environment.
The RFA will remotely login to your Foglight Management Server for a pre-defined number of hours per week to manage, configure, tune and maintain your Foglight environment. The RFA also engages with Quest Support as needed to ensure smooth, incident-free operation of the Foglight Management Server, database and monitoring agents as well as providing regular reports on the state of the environment to your stakeholders.
These services are available in 4-week, 12-week or 25-week engagements with the option to renew as needed to provide maximum flexibility. Find out more on the Quest Website or contact us at FoglightServiceOfferings@quest.com for more information.